I am Teodoro Hernández, the person in charge of this beautiful project which was born by my father more than 60 years ago.
In this find you will find personal advice, like if I were a close friend whom you ask any doubt or concern. This guarantees you will get the best client-product-fit.
Los Hernandez, not only as product but as family, represents the union between cattle farmers and entrepreneurs to answer the desire of having at home regional products, sustainable and high-quality standards.

We believe in quality
Free-range pigs.

"The ham of our land is good for health because our pigs do eat well and run freely"

(Since 1955)

This guarantees the original ‘recipe’ has been retained, keeping the core and modifying some manual processes with technological and logistics improvements.

At this moment, we manufacture thousands of Iberico hams which are delivered at National and International level.

In a few words, we are tradition, quality and passion.

Show the world the symbiosis between tradition and technological progress: to achieve a high-quality product to its optimal price respecting the life cycles of the pigs inhabit free in the Dehesa.

In the next five years, ‘Los Hernandez’ will expand internationally on new continents, promoting the selling of quality, environmentally friendly products which are elaborated through low-mechanic and low-industrial steps with the intention of preserve to the most every flavour and nuance.

It is a region located in Extremadura (Spain) where our Iberican pigs live free in the countryside and meadow, fed by grass, cereals and acorns.
This freedom is the most important factor which allow these animals to be reared naturally, without stress, animal abuse and/or fattening.

The traditional salting and drying originates rich nuances, with organoleptic properties which trigger our salivary glands with the only action of smelling a slice of ham as thin as a sheet of paper.

©2021 LOS HERNÁNDEZ JAMÓN. All rights reserved